Refresh Your Nest


Refresh Your Nest is our design service where we partner with home sellers to help them get the most out of their homes.


Blackbird House has a simple 4-step process:

  1. We conduct a free estimate and consultation by walking through your home to determine the investment required to maximize your final listing price.

  2. We complete a complete cosmetic lift on your home, including staging it, and bring in our real estate photographer to capture professional before/after pictures. This is typically a 2-week process, and Blackbird House takes care of the initial upfront investment.

  3. We reveal the final results to you, and provide picture packages to your realtor to get the home listed.

  4. SOLD! We leave all staging in the home until inspections are completed. We are then paid for our labor, and split the additional profit 50/50 with the homeowner. The title company pays us directly, so you are never out of any personal funds.


Ready to get started?

Schedule your free consultation today!